Thursday, September 24, 2009


I can not believe it but our little man is 3 months old!! I do miss the little bitty Brenden, but this 14 pound 23 inch big boy is so much fun! He smiles and laughs with you, he is always talking to you, and he is so close to rolling over! Watch the video it is pretty funny. If he could just figure out how to roll over his arm, he will be there. We are still working on sleeping at night, but it is getting better. He is also growing so fast! Some of my favorite 0-3 month outfits he has already out grown...and some he did not even get a chance to wear. Brenden and I are having so much fun during the day, and I am going to be very sad when I have to go back to work, but I am thankful that I was able to spend so long with him. He will be about 16 weeks old when I go back!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Smiles and Giggles

It took Brenden a while to master the art of smiling, but now that he has I just can't get enough!! We have even gotten a few giggles out of him in the last few days!! I miss my little newborn snuggle bug sometimes, but this stage is so much fun. Every day he is learning something new. It is just going to make going back to work that much harder!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Long Lost Blog

Trip to Conroe

Brenden and I took our first trip alone to go see my family in Conroe for my nieces 3rd birthday. We had a great time but the drive was hard on me. I realized how much of a pain it is to stop for a bathroom break. Take Brenden out of the car...carry the car sear in....go to the bathroom...hope he does not wake up and scream for the next 20 minutes in the car. Besides the ride the weekend was a fun trip and I really enjoyed seeing my family!!

Date Night

Lee and I have also now had our first night out! It was lots of fun and much appreciated. My friend and her daughter came over to watch Brenden while we went to dinner and to have drinks at the wine bar (man I missed that place) We checked out the new restaurant Sauce in downtown Mckinney and it was awesome! We had a great time and it was fun to talk as husband and wife instead of mom and dad for a little change.

11 Weeks Old Today!!

Brenden is also celebrating his 11 week old birthday today. As a mom I have learned that no two babies are the same. I freak out every time a baby around the same age hits a milestone before him, but then shortly after I stop freaking out, he hits it. It took him a little longer to smile than I wanted but it made it all the more exciting for me when he finally smiled back. The let go and let God is something that I am working on. His last doctors visit revealed a perfectly healthy on target baby :)