Brenden is getting bigger and stronger everyday. I can not believe that he is already 8 months old!!! Some of his favorite things are bath time, meal time, and exploring around the house.
He is also eating lots of new things. He loves to get a bite of whatever Lee and I are eating. Today he had some beans, tortillas, guacamole, and cheese. He loved it. He also loves cookies and Popsicles. He gets very mad when you don't share :)
He is really enjoying his Christmas present from my parents these days. He pulls up on his tractor and loves to listen to the sounds it makes.
This is how big he is getting!! Not only is he a REALLY fast crawler, he is also pulling up on everything. Which I have to admit is freaking me out a little. Today while getting ready for church, he was pulling up on the side of the tub. I could just see him crashing down on the tile floor and hitting his head along the way....fortunately he didn't. This mobile child thing is going to take a little getting use to.