This weekend Lee's parents came to visit! We had a great time with them, and they really enjoyed spending time with Brenden. They learned that our little man is no longer Mr. Cuddles, he is on the go!! He is in a constant state of movement, unless he is tired. We get a few cuddles out of him then. I thought that it was cool that he started walking at 10 is fun but exhausting :)
Friday night we hung out as a family and went to dinner. Then Saturday Marge, Brenden, and I went to a few garage sales and then relaxed for a while. Saturday evening we had our friends over for a little crawfish and shrimp! It was fun to spend time with everyone!
It was sad to watch them go after, and Brenden went to their room to look he was looking for them.

Me and Pappy

Me and Gigi
She calls me a worm in hot ashes, because I can not sit still.
Crawfish Boil

Lee and Pappy

One day day I will win it all.....

Brenden was very interested in the crawfish. He is fearless reaching for it.

Gigi gave Brenden a new pair of shoes!

And a new box to play with.

Maggie says "Please share with me"
Older Pictures
Doubling up

Brenden 1st time at the pool! He LOVES the water! We have been many times since then!
Brenden is walking everywhere and tries to get Maggie to play with him. Sometimes she does, but other times she has just learned to ignore him :)
A Walker....and a growler...He just goes round and round and round....