I know it has been a long time since I last posted! I am pretty sure it was when I found out we were having a girl.... That girl is now 4 months old. However I finally downloaded the app that allows me to update my blog from my phone!
So updates-
Brenden was in his first play last night as a member of the angel choir. When Charlotte started crying lee had to take her out. Brenden noticed that lee was gone and very loudly shouted "where daddy!!!! Mommy, where daddy!!" other than that it went great. He was very cute. A star was born.
Charlotte is starting to be mainly a formula baby. All the travel the last month has made my milk supply decrease and I really don't think that nursing should be this stressful so I am starting to just pump and give her bottles with some formula and breast milk. She seems ok with it :)
She defiantly has the smith head!! At her four month check up she was in the 17th percentile for height, the 55th for weight, and the 93rd for head circumference. Good thing she has all that hair to cover it up.
This weekend we are going to Conroe for Christmas with the Cates family. In the car now with two kids and a dog.
Wish us luck :)
New Year, New Fun
We are all loving the Pickleball set.
Play hard, sleep hard!
Kyler organized all his new books, he's getting quite the collection!
And expanding his se...
5 weeks ago
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