I can not believe that he is 2 months already! I really believe it when people say that time flies! He is sleeping better now. He will go to bed around 10 and wake up sometime between 2 and 3. Then go back to sleep until somewhere between 5-6! It is getting better every night!
He is making fun sounds now other than just cries and grunts. To bad I can never get them on video, and he is also getting really good at holding his head up. The craziest thing to me is how active he is. He is always moving his arms and legs, and he pushes to move himself with his legs on the floor or in his crib when he is on his tummy!
His 2 month appointment told us that he is 12 pounds 6 ounces and 22.25 inches long. Poor guy still short and chubby, but not bad for a kid that was born 2 weeks early!
Still can't decide who he looks like...let us know your opinion!
I should have taken this earlier. By the time that I got the camera he was already getting tired...but you can still see him in action for a second.